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CopyMaster 1.14
Copyright 1988 by New-Ware
(tm) ┌─────────┐
┌─────┴───┐ │ MEMBER
───│ │ │────────────────
│ ┌──────┴──┐ │ Association of
│ │ ├──┘ Shareware
└──┤ ■ │ Professionals
──────│ ║ │───────────────────
This program is produced by a member of the Association of
Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the
shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the
member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can
help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does
not provide technical support for members' products. Please write
to the ASP Ombudsman at P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006 or send a
Compuserve message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
CopyMaster is sole property of New-Ware Shareware products.
The Shareware version may be freely copied and transferred to
individual parties for evaluation purposes. It may be posted on
Bulletin Board systems (BBS) for electronic access as long as NO
FEE is charged for its distribution. Computer information
services such as Compuserve (CIS), Genie, etc., are authorized to
post this product for subscriber access. CopyMaster may NOT be
distributed on diskette by any disk distributor/vendor who
charges more than $5.00 for the diskette upon which the program
and attendant files are recorded.
CopyMaster is a Shareware product. Shareware is a computer
program distribution/marketing method that permits potential
buyers to thoroughly try the program prior to purchase. It is
NOT free. If, after evaluating the program, you find it to be
useful enough to use it on a regular basis, you are expected to
pay for it by registering with New-Ware. The registration fee is
$30.00 and the registered version, which is NOT distributed as
Shareware, will not contain the opening Shareware screen nor the
closing messages.
You may register CopyMaster in one of three ways:
1) By mail with check or money order to:
8050 Camino Kiosco
San Diego, CA 92122
2) By telephone with Visa/Mastercard to:
(619) 455-6225
3) Electronically through the New-Ware BBS:
(619) 455-5226
The New-Ware Shareware products BBS operates 24 hours per
day, 7 days per week at 1200/2400 baud and N71 or N81. Users
registering via the BBS receive access to the latest
registered version. Users who register by mail or phone may
also access the registered version by BBS. Just log on and
leave a comment to the sysop to the effect that you are a
registered user and desire access.
This Shareware version of CopyMaster may be freely copied and
passed on to other individual users. Disk
vendors/distributors that desire to distribute CopyMaster must
adhere to the guidlines presented in VENDOR.DOC.
Press Ctrl-R from the main CopyMaster Display to display the
registration window. Prompts will be issued for the pertinent
information and you will have the option of printing the
registration form when the form is completed.
I support my software. One of the great strengths of the
Shareware concept is the interaction between the program author
and the users. Many of the features contained in CopyMaster
are the result of user input. If you have a problem evaluating
this program or desire to make a suggestion or comment (or even
a complaint), please do not hesitate to contact me.
8050 Camino Kiosco
San Diego, CA 92122
(619) 455-6225
CIS via PIN 71535,665
1.00 - First release.
1.01 - Minor bug fixes.
1.10 - Added capability to disk copy 1.2M and 1.4M disks.
1.11 - Added function to swap left and right windows (Ctrl-R).
Added drop to DOS shell function (Ctrl-F1).
1.12 - Add toggle for operations with 800K disks formatted with
FormatMaster. Added deletion of tagged files.
1.13 - Fixed bugs in file copy and delete modes.
1.14 - Fixed bug in disk copy mode that caused crash if using
CRC checking.
I. Program Description.
CopyMaster can be executed from any directory on any
disk drive. It is initially configured for the left window
to display files in the directory from which it is executed
and for the right window to display files from the root
directory of the drive from which it is executed. These
default settings may be changed.
CopyMaster will simultaneously display files from two
directories in adjacent windows. The directories that will
be shown can be set and saved as defaults from within the
program or can be entered on the command line as in the
following example:
cm c:\util d:\dbase
The first DOS pathname determines the directory listing
in the LEFT (source) window and the second determines the
listing in the RIGHT (destination) window. If just one path
name is entered as a parameter, CopyMaster will use it for
the listing in the RIGHT (destination) window. This allows
specification of the destination directory from the command
line while CopyMaster uses its current default setting for
the LEFT (source) directory listing. A file mask may be
included in either path name as in this example:
cm c:\util\*.exe d:\dbase\*.dbf
If no mask is included, then CopyMaster will assume a mask
of "*.*". If no drive designator is included, CopyMaster
will assume the current active drive. If either path name
is invalid, CopyMaster will use the last saved default.
CopyMaster is a full-featured file copy utility that
operates on IBM PC/XT/AT and compatible computers. It makes
file and disk copying fast, easy, and effective through the
use of the following powerful features:
- Dual directory viewing of files
- Batch tagging of files for copying
- Move files across drives
- Selectable date criteria for copying
- Selectable file overwrite protection
- CRC file copy verification
- CRC disk copy verification
- File encryption/decryption
- Fast file search
- Quick disk copying
- Repeatable disk copying
- Two-drive cyclic disk copying
- Extensive error checking
- File-by-file compare option
- Disk Compare on 360K/720K/1.2M/1.4M
- "Lotus" style command menu
- Pop-up data-entry windows
CopyMaster is written primarily in Turbo Pascal 5.0
supplemented with TurboPower Software's outstanding Turbo Pro
4.0 library package, which is HIGHLY recommended to all Turbo
Pascal programmers. The program, as distributed, occupies
approximately 150K of normal ram and utilizes expanded memory
conforming to the LIM 3.2/4.0 Expanded Memory Specification
(EMS), if available in the host machine.
CopyMaster will automatically adjust to monochrome or
color monitors. If you are using a composite or "two color"
monitor similar to those used in laptop portables or are
using a mono monitor with a color card, place an "m" or "M"
or the command line when you execute the program, as follows:
CM m
CopyMaster has also been designed to utilize the full
16 color text attribute capability of the Hercules InColor
CopyMaster supports the use of a 2 or 3 button mouse.
The button actions for a 3 button mouse are:
L = PgUp
R = PgDn
M = Space bar (tag/untag)
M+R = End
M+L = Home
M+L+R = Alt-X (terminate)
The button actions for a 2 button mouse are:
L = PgUp
R = PgDn
L+R = Space bar (tag/untag)
II. CopyMaster Main Screen.
This is the main screen:
CopyMaster 1.14 - Shareware Evaluation Copy
Copyright 1988 by New-Ware
╒═C:\CM\*.*═════════════════════════╕ ╒═C:\DEST\*.*═══════════════════════╕
│ ARCOPS PAS 10/12/88 10,925* │ │ ARCOPS PAS 10/22/88 10,925* │
│ ASPVAR PAS 08/20/88 6,841* │ │ CM EXE 10/22/88 92,592* │
│ BACKUP BAT 10/23/88 118* │ │ CM PAS 10/22/88 2,862* │
│ BINOBJ EXE 08/24/88 11,088* │ │ CONFIG MNU 10/22/88 740* │
│ CM BAK 10/22/88 2,906* │ │ CPUTYPE OBJ 10/22/88 125* │
│ CM EXE 10/23/88 92,800* │ │ CPYMASTR BAK 10/22/88 2,854* │
│ CM PAS 10/22/88 2,867* │ │ CPYMASTR EXE 10/22/88 92,032* │
│ CONFIG MNU 10/19/88 740* │ │ │
│ CPUTYPE OBJ 01/20/88 125* │ │ │
│ CPYMASTR BAK 10/20/88 2,854* │ │ │
│ CPYMASTR EXE 10/22/88 92,032* │ │ │
│ CRC ASM 10/22/88 1,927* │ │ │
│ CRC BAK 10/22/88 4,277* │ │ │
│ CRC EXE 10/22/88 7,984* │ │ │
│ CRC OBJ 10/22/88 2,826* │ │ │
╘═════════════ Page 1 ══════════════╛ ╘═════════════ Page 1 ══════════════╛
Total Files = 134 Total Files = 7
Total Bytes = 2,600,960 Total Bytes = 210,944
Files Tagged = 0 Right drive = C:
Bytes Tagged = 0
Flex Tagged = 0
Left drive = C:
Note that there are two viewing windows, each dedicated to
displaying file information from separate directories. The left
window ALWAYS displays the source directory for file copying and
the right window is ALWAYS displays the destination directory.
The active window is distinguished by a solid cursor bar. The
user may switch from one window to the other with the TAB key or
the RIGHT and LEFT ARROW keys. The PGUP, PGDN, HOME, END, and
UP/DOWN ARROW keys are available for moving the cursor bar
through the file list in the active window. The top line of each
window shows the DOS path name and file mask currently in use for
that window. Pertinent file copy related data appears at the
bottom of each window. An asterisk ("*") next to a file name
indicates that the file has been created or changed since the
last backup.
Using the TAB key to switch windows results in vertical bar
markers being used on each end of the file name in the inactive
window to mark the place where the cursor bar was positioned
when the switch occurred. If the LEFT or RIGHT ARROW keys are
used to effect the switch, the cursor bar is left intact in the
inactive window.
Pressing the INS key results in displaying files in the
right window that match files in the left window but that differ
in file size or file date/time. These files are displayed in
the right window in high intensity on monochrome monitors and in
high intensity blue on color monitors.
The file statistics for each directory are shown just
below each directory window. As files are tagged, CopyMaster
keeps a running total of bytes tagged based not upon the sum
total of sizes of the files tagged, but on the space they
actually occupy on the default disk. The minimum file size is
dependant upon the active drive's cluster size. The cluster
size is always a multiple of the sector size. For example, any
DOS formatted hard disk under 10 megabytes in size will use a
cluster size of 4096 (8 sectors). A standard 360K floppy disk
will have a cluster size of 1024 bytes and a 3 1/2" 1.44M disk
has a cluster size of 512 bytes. Total bytes and bytes tagged
values are based upon the active disk cluster size. For
example, two 1-byte files on a disk with a cluster size of 2048
will occupy a total of 4096 bytes. The flex value is based upon
the cluster size of a 360K/720K disk, which is 1024 bytes.
Watching this value when tagging files for copying to a floppy
Disk will avoid trying to copy more files than the target disk
can contain.
When CopyMaster first loads, it does some checking against
the default path names for the left and right windows. If the
default left path name is invalid or contains no files or is the
root directory and contains no files and no directories,
CopyMaster will use the current directory to display files in the
left window.
The contents of the left (source) and right (destination)
windows may be swapped by pressing Ctrl-R. This action
reinitializes both windows so that the drive/directory/files
displayed in the right window are now displayed in the left
window and the drive/directory/files displayed in the left
window are now displayed in the right window.
III. Main Command Menu.
Pressing either slash key (backslash = \, or slash = /) will
display the main command menu as depicted below:
╒════════════════════════════ CopyMaster Commands ══════════════════════╕
│ Go Copy Date DKopy Options Backup Reset Eval Sort Type Config │
The cursor bar can be moved with the LEFT and RIGHT ARROW keys to
select the desired function or the function can be activated by
pressing the appropriate highlighted character. CopyMaster can
be exited at any time by pressing ALT-X or CTRL-X. The main menu
and all sub-menus may be exited by pressing the ESC key. The
following is a brief summary of each main menu item:
Go Copy - Initiate copying of tagged files from
the source directory to the destination
Date - Define date relations for selective copying.
DKopy - Initiate copying of 360K/720 diskettes.
Options - Set various program options.
Backup - Copies only files with the archive bit set.
Reset - Resets archive bits on all files in the
active directory.
Sort Type - Selects one of five file name sorts.
Eval - Disk compare operation.
Config - Save current configuration to disk.
Note that a help line for each menu item is displayed immediately
below the command menu.
IV. Copying Tagged Files.
Files are selected for copying by tagging them. Files may be
tagged by pressing the SPACE BAR or the PLUS key with the cursor
bar over a file. Pressing the SPACE BAR or the MINUS key will
untag a tagged file. Tagged files are so indicated by a diamond
character to the left of the file name. All files in the
directory may be tagged by pressing CTRL-T (or F6) and all tagged
files may be untagged by pressing CTRL-U (or F7). Move through
the file list with the cursor pad keys or by pressing a CHARACTER
KEY, i.e., a key in the set "A" to "Z". Pressing a CHARACTER KEY
will cause CopyMaster to seek the first file on the list that
starts with that character. If it finds it, the cursor bar will
be moved to that file. Alt-T will toggle between the normal
file viewing mode and a mode in which only tagged files are
Once a group of files has been tagged, pressing either SLASH
key and selecting GO COPY from the menu will cause the tagged
files to be copied from the source directory (left window) to the
destination directory (right window). Files may not be tagged in
the right window. During the copy process, the following
information window will appear:
╒══════════ File Copy Window ═══════════╕
│ Copied CM.BAK │
│ Copied CM.EXE │
│ Copied CM.PAS │
│ Press any key to continue.... │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
╘═════════ Buffer Size = 16384 ═════════╛
The copy operation will be terminated if any errors occur during
copying. After performing a copy operation, ESC from the main
menu and press TAB or RIGHT/LEFT ARROW to refresh the destination
directory window.
Files may be copied across disk drives by changing the
default drive in either window. This is accomplished by pressing
CTRL-D (or F3) with the desired window active. A window will
appear that prompts for the DOS drive designator. If the drive
is valid and the drive is ready, the files in the current default
directory for the selected drive will be displayed. If not, an
error message will appear. The copy operation can be initiated
from the command menu. If no files are tagged, the file
currently highlighted by the cursor bar will be copied.
Files may be moved instead of copied. Moving a file involves
placing the file into the destination directory and removing it
from the source directory. In the case where both directories
are on the same drive, this is accomplished by simply renaming
the file if it does not exist in the destination directory. If
it does, and overwrite protection is not active, the file will be
copied to the destination directory and then deleted from the
source directory. If CRC verification is set to ON, then those
files that are actually copied will be verified. Files moved
via the rename process are not subject to CRC verification.
Either the source or the destination directory can be
changed. Pressing CTRL-S (or F2) will toggles back and forth
between file display of the current directory and the display of
all directories on the active drive. The first time this
function is used on a drive there will be a delay while
CopyMaster builds a list of directory names. After that, the
toggle is instantaneous. The cursor may be moved through the
list of directory names and a directory change can be effected by
pressing RETURN with the cursor bar highlighting the desired
directory. If no files exist in a selected directory, a message
to that effect will appear. Pressing a character key will move
the cursor to the first directory containing that character as
the first letter of the name, just as in the file viewing mode.
CopyMaster will overwrite all files unless the Overwrite
confirmation toggle is set to ON. This includes system, hidden,
and read-only files. CopyMaster will, however, preserve the
file attribute of the overwritten file. For example, suppose
you are copying MYDATA.DAT, which has a normal file attribute,
to a destination directory that contains a copy of MYDATA.DAT
that is marked hidden and read-only. Unless the confirmation
toggle is ON, CopyMaster will overwrite MYDATA.DAT but it will
leave MYDATA.DAT with the original hidden/read-only attribute.
Remember, if you don't want to overwrite special files, either
use the confirmation option or configure CopyMaster not to
display these files.
V. File Copying Options.
CopyMaster offers a rich variety of file copying functions.
Files may be copied selectively by date, overwrite protection may
be invoked, and CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) verification may be
used. Selecting DATE COPY from the main menu offers the
following options:
╒═══ Date Copy ════╕
│ A - Equal │
│ B - Before │
│ C - After │
│ D - On or Before │
│ E - On or After │
│ F - Any Date But │
│ G - Enter Date │
Each date relation on the menu is explained in a help line
that is displayed below the main menu. For example, to copy only
those files with a date On or Before a specified date, select
item D. The date may be specified by selecting item G to display
the following date entry window:
╒═══════════ Time/Date Entry ═══════════╕
│ │
│ Enter the month (1..12): 10 │
│ │
│ Enter the day (1..31): 23 │
│ │
│ Enter the year (80..99): 88 │
│ │
│ Is 10/23/88 correct (Y/N)? [Y] │
Prompts are issued for entry of the month, day, and year and then
the resultant string is displayed for confirmation. Pressing ESC
at any time will abort the data entry and leave the date string
as it was prior to entering this window. Dates are only valid in
the DOS acceptable range of 01/01/80 and after. Once a date is
specified, date based copying is made active through selection
from the OPTIONS menu.
╒════════ Option Settings ═════════╕
│ Retain File Date OFF│
│ Overwrite Confirmation OFF│
│ Date Range/Copy Date OFF│
│ Include Hidden Files OFF│
│ Set Archive Bits OFF│
│ Current File Mask *.*│
│ Move Files OFF│
│ Beeps ON│
│ CRC Verification OFF│
│ Freshen OFF│
│ Quick Disk Copy OFF│
│ eXamine (COMP) files OFF│
│ Editor Name EDIT│
│ PathName Defaults │
│ View System Memory │
│ 10 Sector Disk │
The first option, Retain File Date, is an interesting one
that many will find useful. When a file is copied by DOS, the
date of the new file is always the same as the source file. With
CopyMaster you may elect to set the date of the new file to the
current system time/date.
Overwrite protection is a feature that prevents CopyMaster
from overwriting a file of the same name in the destination
directory. If this option is ON during a copy operation, a
prompt for overwrite confirmation is issued before the file is
copied or moved.
The Date Range/Copy toggle determines whether or not
CopyMaster uses the date relation criteria for copying files. If
this toggle is ON, the current date string will be be displayed.
The default, as distributed is 01/01/80.
╒══════════ File Copy Window ═══════════╕
│ Overwrite ACKERM.BAK? │
│ Overwrite CM.BAK? │
│ Copied CM.BAK │
│ Overwrite CPYMASTR.BAK? │
│ Copied CRCFUNC.BAK │
│ Press any key to continue.... │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
╘═════════ Buffer Size = 16384 ═════════╛
The File Copy Window above shows that 4 files were tagged with the
Overwrite confirm toggle set to ON. The first file was not
confirmed, the second file was confirmed, the third file was not
confirmed and the fourth file did not exist in the destination
directory and no confirmation was required.
The Include Hidden Files toggle determines if hidden files in
a directory will be displayed.
If the Set Archive Bits toggle is ON, then CopyMaster will
reset the Archive bit on each file that it copies. This provides
a means for later copying only those files that have the archive
bit set. The archive bit is set by DOS any time a file is
changed and written to disk. It is an indicator that the file
has been created or changed since the last time the bit was
The DOS file mask determines which files will be displayed in
a window. For example, if the file mask is set to "*.*" then all
files will be displayed. If the mask is set to "*.WKS", then
only those files matching the mask will be displayed. The mask
for either window may be set by using this option. A window will
appear that prompts for entry of the new file mask. This mask
will affect the window that was active when the main menu was
accessed. The file mask can be set for each directory window.
╒══════════════ File Mask Entry ══════════════╕
│ │
│ Edit file mask (ESC to abort): *.WKS │
│ │
│ Mask is now *.WKS │
│ │
│ Accept it (Y/N)? [Y] │
│ │
The Move Files toggle will determine whether CopyMaster moves
or copies tagged files. Moving a file entails either renaming
it so that it resides in the destination directory or, if the
file currently exists in the destination directory it will be
copied and then deleted from the source directory. If the Freshen
toggle is ON when the Move option is selected, the Freshen toggle
will be set to OFF, since these are mutually exclusive operations.
Program beeps may be turned off entirely with the Beeps
toggle set to OFF.
CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) Verification, when set to ON,
causes a sophisticated CRC algorithm to be applied to every byte
of the file as it passes through the file buffer. When the
copying is complete, CopyMaster opens the new file, reads it back
through the buffer to calculate a second CRC value. This value
is compared with the first and if the two are equal, the message
PASSED CRC will be displayed next to the file name in the File
Copy window. If the check fails, the message CRC FAILED is
displayed. Using the CRC verification approximately doubles the
time required to complete the copy, but ensures that the copy is
a verified exact copy of the source.
╒══════════ File Copy Window ═══════════╕
│ Overwrite CRC.BAK? │
│ Overwrite CRCFUNC.BAK? │
│ Overwrite DECLARE.BAK? │
│ Overwrite DISKCOPY.BAK? │
│ Press any key to continue.... │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
╘═════════ Buffer Size = 16384 ═════════╛
Note that the results of the CRC check is reported for each file
copied when the CRC toggle is ON. If a file fails the check,
the copying is terminated because that usually always means the
destination media is the problem.
The Freshen option will copy files from the source to the
destination disk/directory only if the source file has a
date/time stamp that is newer than that of a file of the same
name residing in the destination directory. Overwrite
protection, if enabled, will be in effect coincident with the
Freshen option. If the Move toggle is ON when the Freshen option
is selected, the Move toggle will be set to OFF, since these
are mutually exclusive operations.
The eXamine option is a file-by-file compare function.
Note that this feature takes precedence and overrides any other
options that may be set. It will compare each file in the
source (left window) directory with an existing file of the same
name in the destination (right window) directory. This feature
uses the same CRC check algorithm used in file and disk copying
except that if the two files being compared are of a different
length, it will skip the reading of each file for a CRC check
and report that the compare FAILED. If the files are compared
and they are exactly the same, COMPARED will be reported in the
Compare File Mode window.
The PathName Default options permits setting CopyMaster to
show specified disk/directory combinations in the two file
viewing windows. A valid DOS path name (without the file mask)
may be entered for either window. Using the Config option will
save the entris to disk and thereafter CopyMaster will show the
two specified directories no matter from where it is executed.
If it is desired that the left window always show the files from
the directory in which it is executed, make a blank entry for
the left window when prompted. Entering a blank line for the
right window default will cause the right window to always
display files from the root directory of the active drive.
The 10 Sector Disk option is intended for use with those
systems that have problem with 10 sector formatting. New-Ware's
FormatMaster will format a 360K disk to 800K in a 1.2M drive, but
some BIOS/DOS variants have problems dealing with a 360K diskette
formatted with 10 sectors/track and 80 tracks. Toggling this
feature to ON will enable those systems to read/write from an 800K
disk. When the toggle is set to ON, a window will appear that
permits the setting of the disk controller data rate. The default
is set to 300 kilobits (Kb), which should suffice for most modern
AT/PS2 machines and clones. If you have an old AT or clone or you
are copying to a 400K disk formatted with FormatMaster on an old
PC/XT or clone, you may need to set the data rate to 250Kb in
order to read/write to a floppy disk.
VI. Disk Copying.
CopyMaster offers several unique and useful disk copying
features. It will copy diskette (360K/1.2M/720K/1.4M) into a
buffer and then write the buffer back out to formatted disks. If
desired, CRC verification can also be used with disk copying.
When copying the diskette, CopyMaster will first determine which
kind of buffer can be used to hold the entire contents of the
disk. The first choice is to use normal RAM, if available.
Obviously, this won't be the case for a 720K disk. If there is
insufficient RAM available but expanded memory (EMS) is installed
and enough is available, CopyMaster will utilize EMS for the
buffer. If not, a virtual disk buffer will be used. Note that
this will only work on a hard drive system where there is
sufficient disk space for buffering when copying 720K, 1.2M or
1.44M disks.
An option that can be toggled from the Options menu is Quick
Copy. Quick Copy should ONLY be used when the source diskette
has been prepared so that its files are stored in contiguous
sectors on the disk. This can be accomplished by using
CopyMaster to copy files to a freshly formatted disk. Copying
to a newly formatted disk insures that DOS will store the files
contiguously and there will be no fragmentation. When Quick
Copy is in effect, CopyMaster copies only those clusters from the
source disk that are occupied by files. This can reduce the
amount of time required to perform each disk copy. For example,
suppose a 360K disk is prepared that contains contiguously stored
files that occupy 172 of the disk's 360 total clusters. Quick
Copy will copy only those occupied clusters, thus reducing
read/write time.
The Disk Copy control display offers several options.
Prompts are issued for the source drive and the target drive.
These can be the same drive and there will be a pause between
each write operation to allow for a disk change. The target disk
is read into the buffer and then the copying process commences
and will continue until terminated by the user. Disk copying may
be aborted at any time by pressing any key on the keyboard.
╒════════════════ Disk Copy Setup ════════════════╕
│ │
│ Enter SOURCE drive letter: A │
│ │
│ Enter TARGET drive letter: A │
│ │
│ Do you desire two-drive copy (Y/N)? [N] N │
│ │
│ Using NORMAL RAM to buffer disk data. │
│ │
│ ESC to abort, any other key to start copy │
│ │
│ │
Cyclic, continuous, two-drive copying is also supported.
This feature allows selecting two drives as target drives and the
copying proceeds as before except that there is no pause between
drives. The user is expected to change disks in one drive while
the other is busy copying. With enough memory for a normal RAM
buffer and Quick Copy active, very rapid disk copying can be
╒════════════════════════ Disk Copy ════════════════════════╕
│ │
│ Reading from disk in drive A │
│ │
│ Using NORMAL RAM buffer to read 14 15K blocks. │
│ │
│ Reading block #14 - 215,040 bytes. │
│ │
│ Disk sectors in memory - ready to copy (Y/N)? [Y] │
│ │
│ │
╒════════════════════════ Disk Copy ════════════════════════╕
│ │
│ Writing to disk in drive A │
│ │
│ Using NORMAL RAM buffer to write 8 15K blocks. │
│ │
│ Writing block #8 - 0 bytes to go. │
│ │
│ Copied 1 diskettes. │
│ │
│ Copy to another diskette (Y/N)? │
VII. Other Operations.
Files may be be deleted by tagging and then pressing Alt-D.
The following window and prompt will then be presented:
╒════════════ Delete Tagged Files ════════════╕
│ │
│ Are you CERTAIN (Y/N)? [Y] │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
Be CERTAIN you wish to delete the tagged files. If Y is
pressed, all the tagged files that can be deleted will be deleted.
After the deleting, a message will appear that shows the number of
files tagged and the number of files actually deleted. A
difference will occur if any of the tagged files cannot be deleted
because they are marked READ ONLY or HIDDEN.
CopyMaster will load and pass a file name to a specified
editor. Use the Editor Name option to enter the program file
name of the editor. The .COM/.EXE extension is not required.
The editor file MUST be in a directory that is listed in the DOS
PATH string!!! To edit a file, place the cursor bar over the
desired file name and press CTRL-E (or F10).
Vern Buerg's justly famous LIST.COM may also be invoked from
CopyMaster. Place the cursor bar over the file to LIST and press
CTRL-L or F9. Again, LIST.COM MUST reside in a directory that
appears in the DOS PATH string.
The directories which are viewed when CopyMaster is first
loaded may be changed with the Pathname Defaults option. A
window will open and prompts will be issued to enter the pathname
for each window. For example, suppose it is desired to view a
directory with a DOS path name of C:\WP\DOC in the left window
each time CopyMaster is initially loaded. Enter C:\WP\DOC for
the left window path name. Similarly, a default path name may be
specified for the right window. These path names are saved to
disk along with all other option defaults from the Config
The last item on the Options Menu will bring up a window in
which certain information about the host system is displayed.
╒════════ System Memory Summary ════════╕
│ │
│ Total RAM on board = 640K │
│ System RAM in use = 101K │
│ CopyMaster occupies = 148K │
│ RAM available = 391K │
│ File copy buffer = 32K │
│ RAM copy buffer = 390K │
│ Floppy Disks = 1 │
│ Fixed Disks = 2 │
│ Disk space avail = 3104K │
│ EMS memory avail = 880K │
│ EMS version = 4.1024 │
│ │
VIII. Backup and Reset.
The Backup and Reset functions work together to provide a
semi-automated method for backing up frequently updated files.
The Reset function clears the archive bit (bit 4 of the file
attribute byte) for each file. DOS will reset this bit any time
the file is accessed and rewritten to disk. If the archive bit
is set, then the file has been updated since the last time it was
cleared. The backup function will copy all those files that have
had the archive bit reset. If the Set Archive Bits option is ON,
CopyMaster will clear these bits as the files are copied. An
effective regular file backup method can be established for any
VIIII. Sort Type.
CopyMaster offers five different ways to sort files for
displaying. Files may be sorted by name, extension, date, and
size. There are actually two sorts that operate using the file
extension. The nested sort groups files by extension and then
sorts within each group by file name. The name sort ignores the
extension and sorts by name only. Whichever sort is selected at
the time the Config menu is used to save the defaults will become
the default at program run time.
╒════ Sorts ════╕
│ Unsorted │
│ By Name │
│ Nested │
│ Date │
│ Size │
│ Extension │
│ Order = UP │
X. File Search
An extremely fast file search function is included in
CopyMaster. This function will search all the directories on
the drive currently active in the left window for a specified
file. If the directories of that disk have not been scanned and
read into memory, that will be accomplished before the actual
search is commenced. A window will appear with a prompt to
enter the DOS file name. DOS wild cards (* or ?) are
acceptable. The first line in the window will contain a message
as to the status of the directory array in memory. If the disk
hasn't been scanned to load the directory array into memory,
there will be a pause that is dependent upon the number of
directories that exist on the current drive.
Enter the name of the file to search for and CopyMaster will
swiftly search all directories on the current disk for the file.
If it finds a match, it will pause and ask whether or not to
continue the search. Any time the search is terminated after a
find, the search window will disappear and the cursor bar will
be highlighting the target file name. Three things about the
search mode are important to note. For maximum efficiencey, the
sort type is automatically changed to a file name sort. If a DOS
wild card mask is used in the target file name, the search mask
for the left directory window will be changed to that mask. And
thirdly, a search will pause at the first match found in any given
directory and will continue on to search the next directory if
not stopped.
XI. Disk Compare.
Copymaster will perform a disk comparison on the same drive
or on disks in two drives without needless swapping of disks.
The disk compare function supports all diskette formats. A CRC
algorithm similar to the one employed in file and disk copying is
used in the comparison. The source disk sectors are read in to a
buffer in blocks and a CRC value is computed for each block.
Then the target disk is similarly processed. The two computed
CRC values for each block of each disk are then compare. If even
1 bit of the target disk differs from that of the source disk,
the check will fail. If a disk passes this test, you can be
certain that it is a mirror image of the source disk. One
caution is in order. It is possible to format two disks, copy
the same files in the same order to each disk and then have a CRC
comparison between them fail. This is because some extraneous
bytes in the copy file buffer may be copied onto the disk at the
end of one or more of the files. The disk compare function is
most useful after performing a series of disk copies.
╒═══════════════ Diskette Compare ════════════════╕
│ │
│ Enter FIRST drive letter: A │
│ │
│ Enter SECOND drive letter: A │
│ │
│ Reading disk A - track #39 │
│ │
│ Place SECOND disk in drive A and hit a key. │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ Detected a 360K disk. │
XII. File Encryption/DeCryption.
CopyMaster will encrypt and decrypt any type of a file. To
encrypt a file or files, press Ctrl-Z at the file viewing
display. A window will appear to prompt you to enter your key.
The key you enter is like a password. The encryption algorithm
uses the entered key as a basis for encrypting the file
contents. The key may be up to 50 characters long and may
contain any character you can type from the keyboard. The
longer the key string, the more secure the key is. IMPORTANT!
DECRYPT THE ENCRYPTED FILE. The key is only saved during the
time the CopyMaster is running. Entry of an empty string will
turn encryption/decryption off.
After entering a key, ALL FILES that are copied will be
encrypted. This means that the files copied to the destination
directory (right window) will be encrypted and unreadable until
decrypted. Encryption/decryption is turned off after each copy
operation. A message will appear below the right window
whenever encryption is ON. To decrypt files, change the left
window directory to the directory containing the encrypted files
and change the right window directory to where you wish to place
the decrypted files. Press Ctrl-Z and enter the proper key. IT
encrypted files and initiate the copy function. The encrypted
files will be decrypted while being copied from the source (left
window) directory to the destination (right window) directory.
The encryption algorithm employed is a sophisticated key
transposition technique that operates on the target file in 16
bit increments. No claims are made regarding the degree of
security this method offers, but it would take an experienced
cryptologist a good deal of time and access to many encrypted
files to decipher the encryption routine. Suffice it to say
that the contents of encrypted files are denied to everyone
except possibly a dedicated professional cyptography expert who
has access to your encrypted files.
If you send encrypted files to someone else for use, be sure
the recipient has a copy of this version of CopyMaster and to
provide the proper key. Subsequent versions of CopyMaster will
not change in regard to the encryption algorithm employed.
XIII. Configuration.
All current settings/toggles may be saved to disk by
selecting the Config item from the main command menu. CM.EXE
MUST BE IN ONE OF THREE PLACES! The CopyMaster program file must
either reside in the current directory, the root directory, or as
specified in the DOS environment. Use the DOS SET command to
enter the following string into the environment (preferably
placed in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file):
Where PATHNAME is the DOS path name of the directory where CM.EXE
resides. For example, suppose CM.EXE is located in a directory
named D:\UTIL\CM. Place the following command in the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file to place the string in the environment each
time the machine is booted:
When attempting to save defaults to disk, CopyMaster will first
look in the current directory for CM.EXE. If not found there, it
will look in the root directory of the active drive. If not
found there, it will look in the environment for the string
mentioned above. If not found there, the defaults will not be
Two other default settings are available from the Config
menu. CopyMaster uses 23 bytes of memory for each file record
stored in memory and 65 bytes for each directory name stored. In
order to conserve memory and make as much RAM available for disk
copying, the maximum files and directory values may be configured
and saved. The maximum value that can be entered for files is
999 and the maximum for directories is 200. If you set the
default for files to a value that is less than the actual number
of files in a particular directory, CopyMaster will only display
up to the selected value and the remainder of the files will NOT
be displayed. The same holds true for the directory maximum.
╒═════ Configuration ═════╕
│ File Limit 400 │
│ Directory Limit 50 │
│ Save to Disk │
XIV. Function Keys.
Ten CopyMaster commands may be activated without going
through the main command window. Each of these is activated
either by a control key combination (e.g., Ctrl-E) or a function
key. Here are the control and function key assignments:
╒═════════════ Command Keys ═════════════╕
│ │
│ Key Function Ctrl Key │
│ F1 - Help (Ctrl-H) │
│ F2 - Show directories (Ctrl-S) │
│ F3 - Change active drive (Ctrl-D) │
│ F4 - Commence normal copy (Ctrl-G) │
│ F5 - Commence disk copy (Ctrl-C) │
│ F6 - Tag all files (Ctrl-T) │
│ F7 - Untag all files (Ctrl-U) │
│ F8 - Search disk for a file (Alt-S) │
│ F9 - Call LIST.COM (Ctrl-L) │
│ F0 - Call favorite EDITOR (Ctrl-E) │
│ Tab - Switch viewing windows │
│ Space bar - alternate tag/untag (+ -) │
│ Ctrl-Z - Encrypt/Decrypt files │
│ \ or / - Activate command bar menu │
│ INS - Highlight matching files │
│ <RET> - View file date/time & attr │
│ Ctrl-R - Switch Left/Right Windows │
│ Ctrl-F1 - Shell to DOS level │
│ Alt-D - Delete tagged files │
Pressing Ctrl-K when not in the command menu structure will
display a window that displays these key assignments.
XV. Miscellaneous.
Cyclic functions like batch copying, disk copying, etc. may
terminated at any time by pressing any key on the keyboard.
Many of the features contained in CopyMaster are the result
user input. Comments, suggestions, and even complaints are awlays
Thank you very much for evaluating CopyMaster.
John Newlin